Buzz Aldrin Addresses ideacity 2014

2014, Space
Presented By: Buzz Aldrin

Known by many for being the second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin is a pioneer in the field of space travel and exploration. Dr. Aldrin is an author of eight books including his New York Times best selling autobiography entitled, “Magnificent Desolation” which was released in 2009 just before the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo XI moon landing. He continues to inspire today’s youth with his illustrated children’s books: Reaching for the Moon, another New York Times best-seller, and Look to the Stars. As one of the leading space exploration advocates, Buzz continues to chart a course for future space travel.

Here, he addresses the ideacity 2014 audience with a rare video appearance, setting the stage for a talk by his son Andy, and Moon Express’s Bob Williams.


Dr. Bob Richards & Dr. Pascal Lee – Moon, Mars & Beyond


Yonatan Winetraub – A Journey to the Moon


The Conception of Singularity University


Marc Garneau – What It’s Like To Be In Space